The Journal Record publisher, Mary Mélon presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Linda bHaneborg/b, only the third such award in the 28-year history of the 50 Making a Difference dinners. ... awards dinner is sponsored by Express Employment Professionals, Crowe & Dunlevy, Chesapeake Energy Corp., University of Phoenix, the Meinders School of Business at Oklahoma City University, Cox Communications, Eide Bailly, Coppermark Bank, OG&E and Renaissance Oklahoma City bHotel/b. ...
Douglas bHaneborg/b, owner and operations manager, Express Employment Professionals, Boise. Dr. Julie Heath, assistant professor of biological sciences, Boise State University, Boise. Pamela Howland, associate/attorney, Holland & Hart, Boise b..../b U LIKELY NEED A bVACATION/b...COME FOR ONE IN NS... Comment By TACOTIME LIZ Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 10:37 AM. Jennifer Seamons... you are amazing!!! Thanks for all your hard work in making Idaho a great place to live. ...